Meet “Buddy”

We are looking for a true ANGEL for a poor, handsome kitty boy. Our organization’s name was given to a young woman who had been feeding a tomcat in her neighborhood.

She raised money to have him neutered at our vet’s office. Sadly, he SNAP’d positive for both FIV and FeLV. We’ve had a number of false positives on SNAP’s so when she contacted us, we paid the $185 to have a PCR test done, but sadly it came back positive for both this morning.
He is estimated to be between 2-3 years old. He’s healthy on the surface now and neutered and friendly. For those of you that don’t know what FIV/FeLV is … here is an article (…/fiv-versus-feline…/). This is not something that people commonly vaccinate for (the vaccine causes cancer etc). FIV is not very easily spread (just like Human HIV – sex and blood mainly). FeLV is VERY contagious.
So we are praying for an angel that might be willing to take this handsome boy in and give him love and affection for however long he might have until the FeLV kicks in and he gets sick.

However, unless you are an angel that only has FeLV positive cats – you can NOT have him around a cat that is negative. FeLV is too contagious. He would need to be an INDOOR ONLY cat so he doesn’t spread it to other outside kitties.

Are there any angels out there? You might be literally saving his life. Located in San Diego., but we are willing to arrange transport (we can raise money for the costs to get him to you).

** The rescuer that had him neutered is keeping him in her garage (she has other not-positive indoor only cats and cannot take him in).