Meet “Matilda”

Blue Steel Litter Update: Happy to report the Matilda (her new name is Ruby) was adopted the day after her spay! Thank you Michelle Hertz McNichols for fostering her. Thank you very much to Kylee for loving darling Ruby/Matilda as much as she loves you!

The siblings are Russian Blue crossed with Siamese rescued from a hoarding situation. The hoarder sells the “Siamese Blue Point” kittens (obviously not purebred) and throws the non-Siamese out on the street.  Interestingly when I uploaded Matilda’s picture my new iPhone immediately Siri told me she was a Russian Blue or a Chartruex (which is why the “hoarder” is crossing them with Siamese and selling them and then kicking these poor sweet not white Siamese blue point babies out to fend for themselves).
Such sweet kittens (estimate is 4-5 months old) that would have died on the street or just had more kittens. There were over 40 young cats/kittens in the situation.