Meet “The Hotel Transylvania (Werewolf) Trio”

Sunny, a little dilute calico girl is coming around quickly. She was trapped on a lot in Clairemont last week. We actually trapped her mother four weeks ago (and she looked so little we didn’t think she was more than a kitten herself) but when we took her to have her spayed she was lactating. So we spayed and released her the same day. We’ve seen her just about every day on our game camera and then she suddenly brought out her three kittens – it is so interesting that even after spaying a mama cat will find and continue to nurse her kittens for weeks. We’ve seen it happen many times! Sunny will be spayed on August 9th and ready for adoption and to go home with her new family on August 11th.

Meet “The Hotel Transylvania (Werewolf) Trio”
Meet “The Hotel Transylvania (Werewolf) Trio”

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